What did we do today? I'll give you three guesses. No, not go the spa. No, not plan a date. Nope, not even hang out as a family. We worked in the yard!
I'm sure that comes as a surprise to you all (read: heavy sarcasm). Allen painted the fence. It looks great! Lexi and I played "box" which is the sand box Nanna Case made for Lexi. She loves it and will even play by herself without getting into trouble. Hallelujah!
I got some good pics of Allen and wanted to put them up quick. We're off to spend money (yeah!) and get some more supplies. The barn should be almost complete by tomorrow night. I'll put more photos up this weekend.
Tonight is also the big roadshow. I'll certainly let you know how that goes!
The fence looks great! So does Allen "Tin Man" Riddle! Good thing he cleans up well! :)
Allen, you make me look like a lazy butt!! I feel proud if I hang a photo on the wall and it looks somewhat straight. You are the man!
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