I feel like I'm ignored by just about everyone I come in contact with these days. I spend all day asking Lexi over and over and over and over to do certain things, Allen listens to me about, oh, 1% of the time and my Young Women are all over the place. I finally go so frustrated that I put the YW in charge of themselves last night. HA!
There is a roadshow on Friday and they are in charge of creating a 5-7 minute skit adapting a story from the Book of Mormon into a modern day lesson. Last week we brainstormed and they were so rude I could hardly hear what they were trying to tell me. So yesterday, I gave them a rough outline of what they should have accomplished by the end of the night and put the two loud mouths in charge. Of course, we adults supervised. At one point, one of the other leaders came up to me and said, "This is sooo stressful." I told her I was sick of being the bad guy and yelling all the time and it was exactly what I wanted for the kids.
They got nothing done. They argued, went around in circles, broke off into groups, came back again, huffed, and then quit. I gave them 5 minutes to get it together. They sort of got some people organized and then we said closing prayer. Their skit idea is fantastic. If they can learn how to work together long enough to get something worked out, they have a really good chance of winning. I heard some muttering about "if only people would listen!". Aahh, to learn the lesson by doing is sometimes far more significant than simply being taught. I felt much better having taught them that way than coming in and knocking their heads around. Now...what to do about everyone else in my life that ignores me.....
1 comment:
It sounds like you are reading my mind, lol. I just wanted to let you know its not just you. I feel like I am banging my head into the wall over and over and over again. Hang in there with the young women and Lexi and Allen will come around eventually. Love you.
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