Allen's back at it again. He's made a serious dent in the work outside. He thinks he'll have the fence done today. Then, he'll be able to put up the stalls in the barn during the week after work. That is an ambitious plan so we'll see how it really unfolds. The whole "I'll do it after the baby goes down" plan usually fails because no one wants to start another project at 7 p.m. It takes enough effort just to get into your own bed and not fall asleep where ever you happen to be standing. Let's not forget the "It will only take me a couple of hours" statement that curses any project. You are immediately doomed after you make that declaration.
Marti got in last night so she's been helping with Lexi since I'm pretty much useless. Well, not totally; I can still tell people what to do but that's just plain annoying so I'm trying to keep my big trap shut. Lexi is doing well considering every time she sees me she says, "Nigh, Nigh Momma". I guess I've been in bed over the last month a lot more than I realized. Poor Loo.
By the way, you probably have it all figured out, but I just caught on. If you click on the pictures, they will open in a new window at a much bigger size so that you might actually be able to tell what you're looking at.
1 comment:
Allen is so ambitious it makes me tired reading about all he does! Glad Marti's there to help out...
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