The last two nights have been so terrible! First of all, I have serious insomnia. Add to that Lexi's cold, and finding sleep has been a little elusive the last few days. I can't usually fall asleep until 2 or 3 a.m. That just happens to be when Lexi wakes up miserable. Around 5 a.m., she's ready to sleep again. So, I don't get to bed until 4 or 5 a.m. Lexi gets up around 7:30 a.m. Thankfully, it's the weekend and Allen's been here to start the morning routine as I finally get some slumber.
I guess there was a meeting for those in the church who are leaders yesterday (oops) that was really good. The only reason I knew this was because we had a meeting after church today for the leaders and everyone kept mentioning this "awesome" meeting yesterday and how it really affected the participants and how they all left feeling so motivated. We (meaning the members of the church) have been "challenged" and encouraged to re-read the Book of Mormon. My response "Book of Mormon? What is this so called Book of Mormon?" This is my way of saying that I haven't cracked my scriptures open for a loooonnngg time. Of course, there is no better means by which one becomes really driven than a meeting full of people with lots of ideas of how to be more efficient, purposeful, effective, spiritual, yada, yada, yada....and usually we find only weeks later we've done none of the stuff we talked about because we made the list so unrealistic. KISS. (Keep it simple, stupid (or sweetheart if you are trying to be a better person than I am). I know that I get so busy going down the checklist of things I'm responsible for, that sometimes, the meat of the whole thing is lost. What are we really trying to do in this life?
An employer of Allen's was called to be the Bishop of his ward years ago. We were visitng one night and asked how things were going. He said, "Well, it's all work, family and church. But isn't that the way it should be?" He found that he didn't have much time for the things that weren't really that important after all. I guess I'm just reflecting on how I'd like to try and keep life managable. Try to remember what I truly value and put my time there. What are the three most important things in my life? If what I'm doing isn't in accordance to what I value, I won't ever be happy. I'll always feel like I'm coming up a bit short. Rather than walk through life feeling like something is just a little off kilter, I'm going to try to do the things that are most important to me and be satisfied with my station in life.
1 comment:
It's funny because Brent is struggling with the same thing. He feels like he just can't deal with all of the many church things he is expected to do right now. We too 'missed' the meeting to have our first date night in three months. (I do not count going to the temple as date night.) I think it's ironic that Brent is sooooo busy and I find myself today being so bored out of my mind I can't stand it. Of course I have chores to do. What mother doesn't. I guess I better get my big behind up and get something done. That's the point isn't it? Love at HOME? Sometimes.
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