A stall, a stall, a stall in our barn!
We actually made some progress that is visible. One stall is completely installed. The other is about half way done. Allen and I worked all day Saturday to get the work done. Of course, we had to disassemble the already assembled stalls in order to make them work for our barn. Of course, we did everything, like, twice because we had never done it before. But, after lots of tugging and pulling, we have a stall in. We fit the mats and got the feeder in too. We are feeling really good about the way everything turned out.
We have to finish the remaining stall, dull the metal on the exit door, put up a border on the pro panel around the exit door, put on an exit door, and put up the paddocks to get it ready for a horse to actually go inside. So, there remains quite a bit for us to do.

On to family related stuff...Lexi loves to be naked. I changed her clothes one day and she ran off in her diaper. I came out about two seconds later and she's totally naked. I got a quick picture, but she ran up against the couch so you can only see her crazy morning hair.
The week has been pretty status quo. We were pretty worried about our nephew, Ben, since he suffered a fever related seizure again. Allen's family does have a history of seizures so I am always sensitive to them and probably over concerned. Seizures are common in youngsters with rapid onset of fever, but it is still really scary, no matter what your history. Other than that, we've worked in the yard a lot, Lexi had a playdate. Nanna Case and Lexi have enjoyed some walks, and I went to a horse show on Saturday for a bit (with Nanna and Lexi). The wind was so awful that we left pretty quick, though.
As I've looked at my calendar for the next few months, I see that every other week, I have a Young Women's obligation. I spend every Wednesday night at mutual activities, chaperone dances once (and sometimes twice) a month - thankfully, I have great counselors so we do try to rotate this job-, go on a Temple trip once a month, go to Ward Council once a month, go to BYC once a month, camp clinics once a month, my own presidency meetings once a month and about every two weeks, another random activity for the youth. That's a lot of time with the youth, if you ask me. I have boycotted a bit by not attending some other activities and what I consider to be unnecessary meetings. I know keeping the kids busy with good stuff is important, but every time you schedule a child, you schedule the family. With my call as President, I do have to show up for certain things and can't send someone else. I am trying to figure out how to fulfill my calling (that I really love) without getting burned. Any advice? I'm sure this will not be the last time in my life I feel over scheduled so I better figure it out, huh?
The barn looks awesome! Congrats on all the hard work.
I have no advice for over scheduling. All I can say is it only gets worse once Lexi starts school, so try to get as much done and figured out now!
Thanks to for your concern about Ben. We are going to see a neurologist this week in Lodi. Hopefully everything checks out ok!
Wow! It looks awesome. I wish I had some words of wisdom in the scheduling department, but I understand where you're coming from. I don't feel I am quite as busy as you, but Germ sure is.
It's funny about Lexi and her naked phase as just today I couldn't get Lauren to keep her clothes on for anything!
We miss you!
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