The name of this demon fish is the Black Convict. We unsuspectingly brought them home. As you well know, from this
post, they procreated. And quickly. Turns out, this type of fish can have
200 babies every 21 days. The fish store guy says people leave them on his doorstep! And just look at our tank! Remember
this? Well, now we have this murky mess filled with baby fish and one demented mother fish (we separated the mother and father fish but he quickly started attacking the other fish in the small tank so, in the interest of protecting the defenseless, we cast him out into the dark and dreary world - our front yard - to die a slow and painful death on the dirt). I've been calling her the Taliban because she is awful and kills any living thing that isn't one of her own. We've officially declared our stance on the death penalty: We're all for it! They've terrorized and murdered many a fish. Tonight shall be their last night. And, no, they aren't going to get any last requests.

See the devil spawn?
Here they are plotting how to take over the world.
If you listen very closely, you can hear them cackle.
Wow. That is amazing that those fish can multiply so fast!
To funny! So much for buying unknown "cute" fish!!!
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