I found out Monday night that I was in charge of the all girl mutual activity for Wednesday. My counselor was supposed to have it, but she had been gone helping with her new grandbaby and forgot. It's really not that hard to do, and I found a great activity, but it took some extra time I wasn't planning on dedicating to YW Tuesday and Wednesday.
Tuesday morning when I went in to get Lexi, her diaper had leaked and her bed was soaked. I stripped it all and proceeded to put everything in the wash. Of course, she wants pink. Pink, however, is covered with pee. I tell her pink needs to be washed and she starts crying. She wants her babies, too, but they need to go in the wash with pink. It's just too much for her to handle. We get through it, but she is a little weepy all morning. At one point, she runs up to me and is way distraught. She says her diaper is broken and she is tugging at her pants. Before I can grab her to see what is wrong, she turns around and runs as fast as she can to the bathroom and I quickly see the problem. I grabbed the camera and took this picture before setting it all to rights.
Because of the rain, my lessons from Tuesday morning cancelled, but I had to make one of them up that evening. My client has a show coming up so we try really hard not to miss any scheduled lessons. Tuesday, I made dinner and ran out the door as Allen got home so I could be back by 7 to help with the bedtime routine. Allen also wanted to spray and take care of weeds. The bishop ended up coming by around 6:30 to ask Allen how he felt about being called to teach seminary (we both had mild heart attacks at the thought of him teaching semiary and me staying in YW - no, they wouldn't release me). Lexi was doing pretty well, but after about 35 minutes of taking care of herself, she got into some mischief. She opened the cabinet under the fish tank and pulled out liquid ammonia that is bright red. She dumped it out going from the fish tank all around the back of the couch to the center of the family room where she greeted Allen - with red stains on her legs, feet and the carpet. Of course, it permanently stained everything. I get home to a scowling Allen and screaming Lexi. Aaaah, love at home.
Wednesday morning, I have a riding lesson so I'm preparing for a young woman to come over and watch Lexi for a few hours since my regular sitter is out of town. I go in to get Lexi first thing and her diaper has leaked, yet again. We go through the same routine. I checked some posts online to see what people recommend for heavy wetter, get some ideas, and plan to run some errands before my lesson. My lesson is 1/2 an hour away but near a Walmart so if I leave a little early, I can get stuff for YW and new diapers. I had to wait a little longer than I wanted to change the wash out so that her stuff would be dry when I got home so she could go down for a nap. When I get home from my lesson (about 2 hours later), I pick her up to take the sitter home and she is all wet - with pee. What is the deal with these diapers?!? (The sitter had changed her at least once in the 2 hours I was gone so I can't assign blame there, you know?) I change Lexi, load up and take our sitter home. Thank goodness I got the new diapers.
I get Lexi fed, changed (in the new diapers) and put down for her nap about 1. When she wakes up, I head in there to see that the new diapers have leaked too. This time, Lexi looks at me and says, "Pink wash? Babies wash?" before I even get her out of the crib. I tell her yes, get her fixed and head to the laundry room again - this is the 3rd time in 2 days. I've had this awful migraine for 3 days and it is making me even more frustrated, too. Clearly, the remedy isn't working and I'll return some unopened diapers and buy new ones after mutual.
Mutual turned out great. We played "For the Strength of Youth" Jeopardy and had white chocolate covered popcorn for snack. At 8:30 when we were done, I went over to Walmart. I got overnight diapers in a bigger size and regular diapers in a bigger size. I got home at 9:30 p.m. Allen had mopped the kitchen and done the dinner dishes. He was out the door and spraying weeds before I got to say "Hi, how did things go?" Did I mention, I hadn't had dinner because I ran out the door as he got home so I could set up for mutual? I put the groceries away, changed Lexi into the new overnight diapers, and sat down for some yogurt and Cheez-its. At least I had recorded So You Think You Can Dance. I watched a few minutes before Allen came back in and went to painting in the guest bath. I asked him if I could help, but he said no. So, I finished my elaborate meal and he came out shortly. We watched the show together and went to bed around 11:30. (This morning, she was completely dry! The overnights in size bigger worked!)
Good grief! Bad diapers, lots of wash, sad girl... "pink" can't get cleaned too fast, huh? (I love that, of course! Too funny!) Your mutual activity sounded fun. Oh the busy mommy days! (I well remember!)
Good grief, I am exhausted listening to all that! Um, cheez-it's and yogurt? We need to talk! Hang in there dear friend, you are a great Mom!
It's days like this that make you not want to get out of bed so congrats on being so industrious! That Lexi is something else...I miss her lots! I agree that the yogurt and cheez-its not so great, I remember many days of being cussed at because I had (or had not) eaten so great, wish I was there to cuss back! Take good care of yourself and hopefully I get to talk to you soon (hint, hint)!!!!!
Welcome to CES Allen! I taught early morning seminary for a year and now Institute..... =)? And Taylor's EQ Pres now.
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