

We got one thing done with great success this weekend. The majority of our new sidewalk has been poured without incident. Allen was worried about doing the cement by himself, but ended up doing a great job. The weather held out just long enough, too.

Davis was very upset that he couldn't be outside working with Allen.

I drove back and forth to pick up loads of cement while Allen formed the cement at home.

Good work, Allen.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That's my boy! Looks great! He is a hard worker and is great on details!

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What started as a way to communicate with far away friends and family has become a place for this horse trainer/HR manager turned stay at home mom of 3 girls to hold on to a bit of her own identity. It's my take on the ins and outs, the ups and downs, the thoughts and feelings, the mistakes and triumphs of this family as we bumble our way to eternity.