Per the speech therapist and GI doc's advice, I try every morning at 8 a.m. to help maintain a schedule (we have no choice with all of the medicine we're giving her, too) and to try and get something down her to start the day and keep her thriving. If we're having a good day, I can get about 2 oz. in her.
This morning she wanted nothing to do with her bottle. After some fighting, she started to eat. But, about an ounce into it, she slowed way, way down and I could tell it was coming. WOOSH! Up came what she had left from her middle of the night feed and the ounce she had just eaten. Just for s & g, I actually measured it
I put the pink ball down mark her "greatest distance". It's like the shot put, but with barf instead of the ball.

Here, I used the bottle because it seemed like the pink ball wasn't showing up too great.
From where we were sitting to the farthest "point of contact" was 4 feet!
That is right. No joke. This happens about 3 or 4 days a week. After each "event" I steam clean the carpet to avoid the awful smell of her partially-digested-but-smells-like-vomit-even-before-you-eat-it formula. I cannot wait until this is done and over with.
Oh Traci! So frustrating! If you reschedule her meds, couldn't you just skip the formula for that one feed? Is that "maybe 2 oz" really worth it to her?
Trac, now you know why I wear the crown of queen so fiercly!! you are earning every jewel in your crown!! why do you think we Mothers rule!! no way could any man survive the daily grind of Motherhood and child bearing issues, it reallly is rough, you have it roughe than most, but as they get older the dredge of it all will somehow fade and you'll know angels were attending you even when it doesn't feel like anyone can really understand....
whoooaaa-ooooh! and i say that for more than one reason. hmmm... if only there was some kind of event you could enter where this type of projectile vomiting would win a prize...yes, yes, i know! it's the "mom is going insane with trying to feed her kid enough to keep it alive" award.
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