Hope you all like to read! Our camera bit the dust. Word on the street is that it was left on the beach and got a good dose of salt water at Pt. Reyes. That rumor has been heavily denied, however, by he who left it on the beach. That, really, is neither here nor there. The bigger issue is that we got this camera just over a year ago and it's dead. The bright side is that I got to get a bigger, better, faster camera that will hopefully capture the moments I seem to miss with the delay on our other camera.
So, you won't be seeing much of us until the new camera comes in (we had to order it). Hopefully, that will be soon as I've already missed some great moments with Lexi in the last few days.
Since I'm such an empath and know we all want to see stuff, rather than read boring text, I'll indulge you by posting some oldies but goodies. I apologize, in advance, for any repeats.
Our first winter in Albuquerque.
I'm still not sure how such a cute, little Davis could turn into the almost 50 lb. smelly beast he is today. We still love him though!
Ok, so this is when they first met. They've been married, what 3 years, and still look like this. We just keep waiting for the normal disdain that is marriage to creep in. Just waiting.

General Conference, Fall 2004 (I think?)
Little Dani
Camping at Lumsden. Oh, no. Don't start thinking "that doesn't look so bad". That day, on his way up, Brent's car caught on fire (yes, literally) and that night it rained and flooded our tents.
Me with little Hannah the day before we left for ABQ.
Craig's wedding.
Marti, Nana, Lexi and me at Lexi's blessing, July 2006.
The Mart-eye and Allen sympathizing with Lexi's housing situation during her stay in the NICU.
We love your news even without pictures! But thanks for the wonderful trip down memory lane with the cute "oldies"!!! :)
Confucius say, "Don't drop camera in ocean."
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