Lexi loved her wagon ride with Aunt Rachel and Nolan so much, we decided to get her one when we got home. Because of the sun here, we opted for the canopy edition. She loves it! This is the order of things: "
Ok, we'll go in the wagon. "Babies?" You may take one baby. "Pink. I wanna take pink."
Ok, get your pink baby. "Juice?" Yes, we'll take juice. "Thank you mama." Would you like a snack, too? "Snack?" We proceed to round everyone up and go out to the garage. Lexi tells her baby, "sit here baby. Sit down!" She puts the baby on the opposite seat, gets her juice and sits down herself. As soon as we start moving, she holds the baby and the juice. She doesn't let go for the entire ride. Then, on the way home she always asks to pull the wagon. She makes it about 15 ft. then abandons the whole thing. She gets back inside and resumes the holding of the baby. Most people who drive or walk by get a good laugh and Lexi really enjoys looking at the goats, ducks, trees, and flowers we pass on our way.

Lexi has really been enjoying pretend play with her babies. I wondered if she might like dress up games, now, too. While at the store, she picked out a purple dress and a few necklaces. We even
got a tupperware container to store all of our dress up things. She didn't like the dress at first because I made her wear it with clothes underneath (it's way itchy). I played up how pretty it was and now she wears it for 4 or 5 hours a day if we're home. I also got a full length mirror for our bedroom. I set it in the hallway when we got home and she sits in front of it almost all day. I caught her showing herself her belly button. She was also going through the parts of her face saying, "Eyebow, nose, eyes" to her reflection. She acts a little embarrassed and runs away when I come down the hall, but I snapped a quick picture of her in her dress talking to herself.
1 comment:
Oh my gosh, we love it! She's so funny! They're so cute to watch!
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