
You Asked...

The watermelon is awesome! It's really sweet and sugary and just about perfect. Kind of funny since it just happened to be growing wild in the front yard and Allen decided to transplant it in the garden just for giggles. Well, Lexi totally jerked on it and it was withered up and pretty much dead so we didn't think it would live, let alone produce anything even close to edible. But, Lexi gave it a little blessing right after we put it in the ground by telling it, "Now grow." And, it did. There are 3 others on it growing as we speak. So yay for us!


Poetry of Life said...

Isn't it nice when something you weren't expecting turns out good. Enjoy it! I'm jealous!

Unknown said...

Awesome! Especially under the circumstances. I'm sure Lexi's "blessing" did the trick! :)

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What started as a way to communicate with far away friends and family has become a place for this horse trainer/HR manager turned stay at home mom of 3 girls to hold on to a bit of her own identity. It's my take on the ins and outs, the ups and downs, the thoughts and feelings, the mistakes and triumphs of this family as we bumble our way to eternity.