Let's start with the clean up:
Did ya notice how all my pictures are dark? Yeah, that's because the camera broke too.
Wanna know what else we came home to?
-Monday, as we were sitting in a gas station parking lot just miles from home, after driving all night, Addie threw up in the Excursion. Double gross. She's continued to throw up at least once daily, refuse solids and is taking a meager 10 oz. a day.
- A family of mice took up residence in our house while we were gone. Our house sitter trapped and/or killed at least 4 (Bless you, Kaylie, for not only sticking around but actually doing something to improve the situation. I wouldn't have. I would have left and put a note on the door with the word CONDEMNED in big red letters warning all those who approached.) She'll probably never step foot in our house again. Helk, I don't even want to step foot in this house right now. (oh, yeah, we talked about it on FB while I was gone so now everyone knows just how gross and unsanitary we are and what a bad house keeper I am. Sweet.)
-The sprinkler system tripped the GFCI while we were gone so the house sitter was schlepping hoses around and borrowing fan sprinklers from the neighbors to prevent everything green from dying.
-My allergies flared up and I look like Mad Eye Moody.
-The check engine light came on during our trip. As we piled into the Saturn to ferry the Excursion to the car doctor, we realized the Saturn had a flat. So, out we all go to now take the dumb commuter car that we all hate to the tire shop to put four, count 'em, four new tires on.
-We did take the Excursion in. The report was this: "Well, the light was legitimate this time. It's a detrimental issue."
1 comment:
Yeah, the hardest part of a trip is coming! Not only the clean up from the trip, but the clean up of anything that went wrong while you were away! Hope you're "mouse-less" by the time I come to visit! :) Keep repeating, "Things will get better!"
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