Addie army crawls wherever she needs to go. She's up on all fours, rocking back and forth. She also gets on all fours and can get her legs moving, but not her arms. This usually ends up with Addie's butt popping up and down but not taking her anywhere. She sits up independently, too. As she becomes more self sufficient, she also becomes more opinionated. She'll protest if you take away one of her favorite toys, but if you give her another she'll play quietly. Of course, she's putting everything in her mouth - toys, shoes, paper, your shoulder - whatever she can get a grip on goes right in the kisser. She doesn't' have any teeth yet, but they shouldn't be far away. Addie doesn't need much to be happy. She's content to play on the floor with her toys or jump in the bouncer. She'll hang out in her outside swing for hours just taking in all of the sights and sounds.

Addie is a real joy to be around. She has added so much to our family in the few short months we've known her. She makes us feel happy just being around her. As always, we look forward to watching her come into her own as she grows up.
She is so adorable! She is going to be such a heart breaker when she grows up with those big beautiful eyes. Watch out daddy!
This kid is adorable; just like her sister! She makes me smile just hearing her name! These pictures are sooooooo cute! G'ma can't wait to see you all soon!
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