Here are some of my favorite pics that I haven't posted:
But here, she definitely looks like Allen.
A cool spot we found with Gma and Gpa Riddle last year.
My mom got us this mailbox and we wanted to show her exactly what you can get in the mail with a behemoth like this!

Lexi's first time carving pumpkins.

The great babysitter!
What memories! So fun to see these pictures! And some new ones for G'ma to save! Thanks!
Love to see your updates...helps that the child is the absolutely most beautiful baby in the world (ok, so it is my world and no one else's, big deal)
I remember how little she was! Gosh that was hard. I'm so glad that she has grown into a big smart girl!!! She is way ahead of Ben who is still grunting for most things. Men!
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