And so, if true with dogs, why not kids? Once a family has three kids wouldn't they, too, become a "pack" of sorts? No matter what, you and your spouse have gone from a manageable duo of cute kids to a pack of dirty, crusty food on the face, tousled hair, unkempt looking little maniacs. You can never set up a man-on-man defense once you've had that third kid. It's all zone coverage, folks, and you know how easy it is for the other team to get one up on you then. When I think of being a mom to three, I think of forever being surrounded, outnumbered, and out-manned.
If I feel this way, why would I consider having a third kid? Well, because I've prayed about this family, pondered about this family, and been giving some inspiration about this family. And, we're not quite complete. Allen asked me if I'm excited about having a third. No, not really. I'm scared out of my gourd. If being a mom to two is this challenging for me, how much more so will it be with three? Another person I'm responsible for. Accountable for. I have the charge of seeing that this innocent and clean slate goes out into the world armed and prepared for greatness. I'll be the one who must see that this child knows how to function in the world. More importantly, I'll be the one teaching this kid how to treat others, be involved in relationships, be a friend, respond to adversity, and make it through this very challenging life by drawing on his or her faith. Traits, both good and bad, will be traceable right back to me.
I know that I am completely unprepared to provide all of these things for my kids. I've never been a parent before. I don't know the right answer in every situation. Thank goodness, though, I'm in contact with someone who does. Someone who can see far beyond the moment. Someone who loves my children even more than I do. Knowing that I can rely on my Heavenly Father's guidance to fill in the so many gaps I have as a parent is like a balm for my soul. When the answer should be a hug rather than time out, he can help me to know this. When a child may be in danger, he can help me to be aware of the risk. When my kids need space, rather than a lecture, he can tell me. I'm so grateful to know this. With out his help, I really don't have a chance at covering all the bases.
We go into this new chapter hopeful but not ignorant enough to be believe that it will be any easier. I plan on complete chaos (you can tell I'm still in denial because I am still PLANNING chaos - planning chaos, how futile). Addie and this baby will be 16 months apart. I know this does not bode well for my sanity. But, I'm definitely not foolish enough to begrudge a blessing from the Lord. So, I'll embrace the challenge. Do my part. Have faith that we're doing what Heaven knows we can and go forward with that faith. We're gonna get our trashed kicked. God be with us.
Congratulations just never seems like the right word to use...it's not like you just graduated or won and an award...it's way bigger than that and way more personal.I loved your comments. You and Allen will do fine, get your trash kicked once in awhile and even kick each others once in awhile, but you'll make it, because you do have help and do recognize that is such an important part of this whole family thing. Blessings to your entire family and lots of love.
I remember feeling that same way with my third child and sitting and crying because I didn't think I could do it again. My first two were 15 months apart, next two 18 months apart. I too received the message that it would be okay, to love this new baby and enjoy the time I had with my little ones. You have a very good perspective on the Lord's help is available so will do well. There are hard times but my children were close in age and are now close to each other as friends so I wouldn't have it any other way.
Ask Shannon about being an older sister to three brothers that are only 5 years apart--- she might have a different story.
You will be an awesome Mom Tracy-know that your Heavenly Father knows that, he is entrusting you with some very special little children. Hang in there and now that this too shall pass and before you know it they will all be married and gone and you wonder where the time went.
Traci, you act like you have no idea what you are doing. You've done this before! You will be fine! Two is way harder than three and you have already gone through that. You and Allen are wonderful parents and as time goes by, you only get better and more patient with your children and each other. (You do realize that I'm sending Danielle to you when she turns 14 right?) Like you said, Heavenly Father knows what we can handle and he will help us through. Otherwise, we wouldn't ever have more than one. :)
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