Lexi had the best time with LaNell. She flew in last Wednesday and just left this morning. We didn't do anything exceptionally fun as a family since we spent almost 3 days straight in the yard, but they still had a great time together. Lexi loved having a completely captive audience and showered LaNell with affection. When she couldn't find LaNell, she would run down the hallway and say, "Gamma, where aaaaarrreee yyyyoooouuuu?" She would then run as fast as she could go when LaNell answered.
They played outside a lot while we worked in the yard. Lexi gathered her tools daily and would pick up rocks, prune the vine, take the tools on the slide and push them in the wheelbarrow. LaNell pushed her on the swing over and over and over and over which pleased Lexi to no end.
Allen and I purposefully chose the Friday of LaNell's visit to pick up and install sod. LaNell was very quick to help and had no issues watching Lexi so we could make the trip to the farm. What we didn't anticipate was it taking 3 whole days. LaNell was supportive and took total care of Lexi over those days. We wouldn't have been able to finish the lawn without her support. So, not only did Lexi have a blast, but her visit meant a lot for Allen and I in terms of the goals we had set for our schedule. We promised next time we'll actually do something besides push dirt and worms around!
Grandma loved every minute! I'm glad my "fun" helped you guys out! I miss you all already! :)