

By that, I mean the "fruits of our labors". Can I just say how great it's been for the last few nights to feel "normal"? We've had relaxed dinners, play time outside, family time, and attended mutual - without all of the stress of the backyard looming over us. Sure, there's still a considerable amount of stuff left to do in the next weeks to be totally ready for winter. But, the relief that has come with getting the major work out of the way has been so nice. We're still so glad we forged ahead and finished the lawn. We did utter "what are we doing?" "should we stop?" a few times, but decided the best choice would be to move forward. With all of the work we've been doing for the last 9 months since we've moved in, it's been easy to forget why all of this is so important. These last few nights have helped us remember why we do what we do and even see the benefits already. Most things that are worthwhile in this life do take a lot of work and time, but they are definitely worth the sacrifice. However, many of those things don't bear fruit so quickly. Thank goodness for intsa-lawn!

Now, will some of you please remind us of this when we're 3 months into our second child, crying "WHY???" (Actually, please don't remind us at that point since we'll be at our wits end and probably won't accept any type of advice or sympathy anyways!)

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