I'm really grateful for the following things right now:
1. My hands and good friends. A good friend of mine, who is a mother, is an avid team roper. She was in Texas visiting family and went to a roping. As she dallied, she caught her right hand in the rope. As she said, "It popped my thumb and first finger off." I asked her if she was ok. Um, no, you dork. I just lost my THUMB and FINGER for THE REST OF MY LIFE. She didn't say that, but I wouldn't have been mad if she did.
She said, "You know. God has given me peace. You can take anything from me, just don't take my peace." I've thought about her a lot in the last two weeks and she has been such an example. I'm sure, as she mentioned, she'll have good and really bad days as she learns how to live and use her arms in a different way. However, she has chosen to try and be hopeful, patient, and filled with a love for service (for others as she's called me to see if I AM OK!). I'm grateful that there are people like me, who live with struggles, and are good examples of our Savior.
2. More friends. I was talking to another friend of mine who lost her mom in December. She was mentioning how she's reading the Book of Mormon again. She is jotting down her notes and thoughts as she reads and really trying to learn something new this time around. She was mentioning that she already feels really blessed by her new effort. I explained my point of view: We have the tools at our fingertips. The scriptures, prayer, the Temple, etc. But, it does require an effort on our part to make them work in our lives. It's a lot like a shovel. You know it's good for just a few things: digging a hole and picking up dog poop. It's really good at those things. But, you have to pick it up and put a little effort into the whole project. The gospel is a lot like that. We have to use the tools. We have to be willing to put in the investment to feel the blessings. I'm still struggling a little with the whole thing because I'd really like to look out in the yard and see the holes already dug. I'd be pretty weak if that was the case though. And yes, sometimes life seems a lot like dog poop.
I'm grateful for good friends who allow me to say things I need to know and wouldn't realize otherwise.
I finally found your blog!! It's so great to hear a daily progress of how things are going. I'll show the kids in the morning. Just remember, babies in Texas, you can get through anything!