

Allen made lots of progress today. He welded the top rail on a portion of the fence, sunk about 5 posts, demolished the room in the barn (which included moving lots of shelving material), and capped the ends of the fence. The cement mixer broke at about 2 p.m. and we forgot to rinse the wheelbarrow out after putting cement in it. So, the day was not without its mistakes.

I helped him this afternoon. We both came away with minor injuries, but we made a big dent in what needs to be done around here. We're all still sick, but Allen says his fever broke in the middle of the night so he felt pretty good about working outside. Lexi has been cranky, but if she's got what we do (and she does), I don't blame her.

The inside of the house still leaves much to be desired, but we manage to come inside and not feel totally overwhelmed so that tells me we're putting our efforts in the right place.

Mia started growling in the middle of the night. I got up and spanked her. This morning, Allen sees the the horse is out. I felt bad for getting after Mia for doing her job. Next time, I'll listen to her. The good thing is that Cocoa is so herd bound he didn't leave. He wasn't bleeding and had four legs so all seems well.

I will say that Davis dog has not settled in very well. Every time I get up, he runs to the front door begging to get in the car and "go home". Poor Davis dog.

It's just after 7 and I think we'll all be in bed before 9. Such is the life of a working - no, let me correct that - such is the life of anyone who is alive. Sounds a little Yogi Berra-ish, huh?

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