
Update on the Update

I shouldn't be surprised by the information I found about Apraxia of Speech. When they brought in another therapist to "confirm" the diagnosis, my mommy gut got a little tight.

I did more research when I got home. Now, the internet is full of mis-information and exaggeration, but I did find one major consistency when reading about her condition: It's gonna be a long, hard road. 

It definitely would NOT resolve on it's own. And 75% of kids who have apraxia of speech are also dyslexic.

Therapy is intense and long. In my ignorance, I requested we only do one day a week because of time and distance. From what I've read, I'm going to need to give this 3-5 days a week with a lot of work at home, too.

"We can report we know of children who ultimately become good speakers and their "problem" is undetectable to non-professionals. In other children, lingering articulation issues follow them. Childhood apraxia of speech is a serious and challenging speech disorder. A lot of hard work on the part of parents, therapists, and child needs to occur." - www.apraxia-kids.org

Know of? Like, the successful kids are these mythical creatures that can only be confirmed through fuzzy pictures and campfire rumors?

One site had a lot of words such as "special education, with a classroom assistant, and homeschool" when describing if kids with this disorder can assimilate into the traditional educational system.

Another site had more hopeful numbers. Ninety percent of the kids treated with early intervention and a lot of dedicated support can become "normal verbal communicators".

I'll admit, for a minute, we let the unknown grip our hearts. As Allen read the information we were given, he held back tears. Not because he felt sorry for us or tired after what has seemed like years of dealing with health challenges with our little ones. He felt insanely protective of his baby. He doesn't want Emily to have to struggle. He doesn't want her to be teased by the ignorant. He doesn't want her to be "classified" and made to feel "different".

You know, when Lexi was born, we were told she would have a number of delays. We were told she would be in therapy for months and months and likely face a number of challenges. And when we went to our second occupational therapy appointment, they were amazed that she not only met her milestones, but was passing them all by leaps and bounds. She wasn't going to be contained by the odds.

Emily is still young. She has the whole world in front of her. She is intelligent. She is driven. She is tenacious. All of those things will only aid her on this journey. She is surrounded by people who love her and will encircle her with protection and support.

The best way to approach things of this nature is one day at a time. We aren't going to let statistics determine our attitudes about Emily's potential. We'll work hard and cross each bridge as it comes our way.

1 comment:

  1. I love your attitude and your strength. Yes, Emmy is smart. But her parents are also really really smart, diligent,and you stick with stuff you start and set your mind out to do. You said it...she's going to be totally fine. Not fine...amazing!
