
Through the Lens

I just discovered Instagram. It's an app that filters your pictures a variety of ways. You literally choose the photo and then, just like choosing a font, you scroll through and the picture changes with each selection. When you like it, choose the green check mark and it's done. Super easy. And, it doesn't change the original. If you have buyer's remorse, no big deal.

I've been messing around all week with it and this is what I've got to show for it:

Ice cream at Costco.
Birthday girl fresh out of bed and so excited to be 6.
Our nursery dropout playing with blocks during my class.
Waiting during school drop off.
Birthday girl on her way to school.
"Writing" while mommy does chores upstairs.
Emmy saying "cheese!"
Lexi's cupcake cake.
Same picture different finish.
Costco ice cream: Emmy style.
Dress up: Lexi style.
Just chillin'
Holding hands "nice" for a change.
Don't worry Grandma's, it's a rubber mallet. Not the read kind.
Emmy wants Eggos for breakfast. Can you tell?
At the park.
Same place, just a different filter.
Looks so contemplative, doesn't she?
Picnic lunch with the cousins at Micke's Grove.

Popcorn Popping!
Nigh, nigh.

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