
Christmas at Our House

This post can't be getting old; we've lived in three different houses in the last three years! 

So our house has this weird window thingy in the family room that is good for almost nothing.  Nothing but staging a Christmas Village.

We didn't put the presents under the tree until the 23. We knew that Miss Emily would not be able to resist that fun, crinkly paper all month long.

The Vincent men came over on Christmas Eve. I made the traditional meal of ham, potatoes, and all the fixings. We had a great time hanging out with each other. The kids loved seeing Grandpa Tweet; they run to him, grab his legs and climb up into his lap to lavish him with attention. Of course, they absolutely loved all of the fun presents they got, too.
Christmas Morning: Santa did not disappoint.

He even brought the American Girl doll that Lexi had said she'd go without since they are a rather significant investment.

I'm not sure if that excitement is about the present or the bubble wrap holding the present.

The entire time she was looking at this toy she was making a pig noise.

Grandma and Papa came by to enjoy the pandemonium.

The 'Livia-pig jumpy ball. 

As the kids get older, teaching them the reason behind the Christmas traditions we hold gets easier and easier. At the same time, their interest in the things associated with commercial Christmas also increases.  I'm sure as time wears on, we'll see by our kids' behavior, where we truly kept our focus. 

We love singing Christmas songs and acting out the story of Jesus' birth using our kid-safe manger decorations. The season affords us an excuse to see our friends and family. Traditions are made, kept and molded as our families grow and develop. These photos will help us remember the details of these days as the exact gifts exchanged and meals eaten will be long forgotten.  But what will leave an indelible mark upon us will be the feelings we have as we gather, laugh, share and give each year to celebrate family and our Savior.

We had a very blessed Holiday and hope you all did too.

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