
Berry Picking

It's blueberry season here in California and we went out to the local patch with our good friends to harvest our very own crop. Then, we canned them and made super yummy blueberry pie filling.

I told Addie the kind to pick and to fill her buckets. She was such a great worker. She didn't complain once and worked until we were all done. It was easily 95 degrees and we were there in the hottest part of the day.
Lexi dove in too. I think our migrant worker heritage came through for us.
Emily helped, but she ate most of her haul.
Lauren and Lexi. Look at their poor red faces. The kids were all so great.
We're dying Mom! Trying to recover from the heat.
Emily enjoying the shaded play area while we totaled what we picked.
10 lbs! That may not look like much, but those berries aren't that big. That's a lot of berries!
Happy and grateful to be done.

1 comment:

  1. i will withhold my remarks about sunscreen and instead focus on how much fun that would be to pick berries with you guys! oh, and the pie filling.... i would like to eat it right out of the jar, please.
