
Random Pics

Beauty and the Beast. The question is: who is who?
Meet Enzo. Our newest addition. This is the night we got home. I think he settled in pretty quickly.
My boy. I do love this dog something fierce.
Addie cried and ran from him for the first 3 days. Pretty sure she's changed her mind about the guy.
He keeps track of the kids and herds them around most of the time. He also lays in the "crossroads" as we call it (at the bottom of the stairs and in the entry to the kitchen) so he can hear us no matter where we are. The kids literally have to walk or run over or around him to get to the play room. He just lays there like it's no big deal that the Barbie car just went whizzing by his head.
Playing pretend together.
Remember that post about how great Addie is doing? Well, this was NOT one of those days.
Emily, on the other hand, is a great eater! She's having rice soaked in vanilla Rice Milk here.
Does anyone instantly flash to the scene in the Goonies when they see this?
Still a little wobbly. I'm hoping that by the start of school, she'll have it mastered.


  1. LOVE the pics!!! And Enzo is absolutely awesome, totally want to steal him!

  2. Ha ha ha.....I did the same thing Allen did with Ashkon's bike. His has training wheels on it still. Can you imagine seeing my big butt on a little bike going down the sidewalk? :-)

  3. Love the bike rider/s! And Enso is a sweetheart. Cute pictures ...
