
Sacramento Train Museum

Grandma and Grandpa Riddle took us to the Train Museum and on a little tour of Old Town Sacramento. The weather was phenomenal and the kids loved being with their grandparents.

This was a cool place, but I wouldn't take really small kids to get your money's worth. I'd wait till they were a smidge older but still fascinated by trains. That being said, the kids did have a great time.
See the woman working on the railroad? She did it all the live long day. See the shiny sign?
Allen and I realized they had to drive each of the trains into the museum. There are tracks that have been covered throughout the entire ground floor.
The sleeper car actually moves like a real train would. They have these staged scenes throughout the museum for your viewing pleasure. This was just a leeettlle creepy, though.
The mail train. Hand sorting on a moving vehicle. I would totally barf in one of those bags after 10 minutes.
This train was huge! Allen is 6'1" and it dwarfed him. Not an easy task with all of his big muscles either.
Old town has a lot of character. We found this street dancer and watched for a bit.
He played it up for the kids and was slowly making his way toward the stroller with Emily in it.
Trying to get some love with a fist bump.
Not even thinking of it. No way, no how.



This is how Lexi wanted to celebrate Dad's special day:

Allen said he never imagined he would be spending his Father's Days having tea parties. But as my dad once said, "It takes a strong man to raise daughters". And while these girls can throw him for a loop with their female ways, he's never too much of a man to miss out on the chance to make a memory. 

Happy Father's Day!


Hot Time

The temp has been in the 100's this week. Way too hot. We decided to cool it down a bit the good-old-I-don't-own-a-pool-way:

Enzo was so hyped up to have the whole family out of doors at once.
Davis: not so much.
Emily knows this is "her dog" and hugs him about six thousand times a day. He always stays perfectly still, even when she steps all over him.
Now here is a shocking photo. Davis laying still for a hug from the child. See his face though? He's just a squeeze away from bolting.
Now our Enzo is NOT a water dog. He, in fact, hates water. He hardly walks on the lawn when it's wet. But the kids were in the water. It took him a few minutes, but he couldn't let them be that far away for long. He ventured in after them and stayed in the water as long as they were playing.
Addie fulfilled her sisterly duty and escorted Emily on the slippery cement.


Big Trees

Wait. That doesn't look like Big Trees at all! That's because winter refused to leave this year and Spring brought snow in April to the foothills. So, we went to play at the park with Grandpa Bob instead.

This is one of the coolest parks around. There are lots of trails, a huge playground, a pond, and animals. And goose poop. But that's pretty easy to overlook because of how awesome this rose garden is. That wasn't in bloom yet. But it promises to be great!!!!

Weeping mulberry. Makes for an awesome hideout.
A little stream with just enough current to not be a cesspool.
Not that she actually looks like the guy, but isn't this pose a lot like the pictures of the Bigfoot sightings?

I told you!
Lexi wanted to pose by the tree.
And again.
And yet again.


Newborn Advice (specifically colic and reflux) 3

Part 3 - the summary - of an email I sent to a new mom reaching out for support.

I never took the advice to let someone else take the baby so I could have a break. I always figured that if it was that hard for me, as the mother, to tolerate my awful kid, no one else could possibly do it and not want to unfriend me. I'm not sure if that was the right thing, per se, but it was for me. I wouldn't have relaxed. My kid had eating problems and all sorts of complications so trying to teach someone to care for her was a burden, not a blessing. My husband was on travel and gone 3 out of 4 weeks of the month. I had a c-section and 2 other kids to care for. We didn't live by any family. It was horrible, awful, miserable and so trying.

What I did do, was get a nanny of sorts (my regular babysitter, who was 19 and awesome) had time in her college schedule to come in the mornings and play with my other kids. Then, I could focus on the baby, my kids got some love and I got to sleep a bit if the baby did go down. They were at my house and I felt good about that. So, if you can work something out like that, I say go for it.

I've learned that I am a very strong woman. I can dig deep and see beyond my own misery. Not that I'm pretty doing it all of the time, but I can. I know you'll learn that about yourself too. We are much braver, compassionate, strong willed and more determined that we ever give ourselves credit for. I promise you that in a few short weeks, your son will smile at you. And reach for you. And snuggle you. And then he'll talk to you and you'll go places together and it won't suck. And then he'll be 5 and going to school and totally normal and will drive you nuts for all sorts of other reasons. The only reason I can say this is because it's happening to me. The days go by slow but the years so fast. It's not easy to remember and it really doesn't make you feel better now, I know that too.

Emily is walking and talking in short phrases at 11 months old. She has gone from this crying ball of spit up to a dynamic and personality filled toddler. She is still loud. But, she plays by herself for hours (no joke). Is fearless and strong. It took us a long time to like her. Both my husband and myself merely tolerated her in the beginning. Of course we were gentle and loved her, but it was hard when she was so rotten. We knew it wasn't her fault, but come on! Sleep deprivation is a proven form of torture! You're a zombie at this point.

Feel free to email anytime. Even if you just need to vent.

Thanks for reaching out,


Newborn Advice (specifically colic and reflux) 2

Part 2 of an email I sent to a mom who was in desperate need of some help.


- First, go to http://www.marci-kids.com/ right now. Read about how to administer Zegerid. Do the dosing calculator and read the research. Make sure your son is on the right dose. If your doc won't go with the MARCI recommended amount, switch doctors. Trust me. I didn't have MARCI information with my first. My second and third were on (and Emily is still on Zegerid) the correct amount and it really matters.
- To clear up the instructions, for Zegerid it's like this: you use the same amount of Zegerid and mylanta for each dose. I use the CVS brand (mylanta is almost obsolete anymore) of the antacid (no aluminum). So, for Emmy, she now gets 2.5 mL Zegerid and 2.5 mL mylanta in a syringe that I slowly squirt into an empty nipple and let her suck it out of. She gets this 3x a day. I make 4 days worth in a little baby food jar and store it in the fridge. You can keep it in anything you like. The MARCI site recommends using a large oral syringe and putting all of the Zegerid and mylanta you'll need for one day in there and dosing from it. You can go with whatever makes your life easier.
- Second, go to http://www.infantreflux.org/forum/.  You'll spend hours and days on there.
- Get Dr. Brown's bottles if you aren't nursing. If you have them, great. If not, trust me. They make a huge difference.
- Put the crib at an angle. UNDER the mattress, put some folded blankets or whatever to make it at a 30% angle. Use a sleep positioner to stop him from sliding down. (I have one from the NICU that makes into a horse shoe shape and is awesome. The babywise lady got one when she had her own NICU baby and has figured out how to duplicate them. I don't know the cost, but if you are going to have more kids, they are a super investment.)
- Put the changing table pad at an angle. I fold a bunch of receiving blankets and make two towers and put them under the big mattress/pad thingy. Way less mess.
- Use the bouncer for naps and the swing, too.
- Reflux babies sometimes need to sleep on their tummy. My GI specialist told me this. Of course, I was worried, but he said if you have a swaddled baby, on a clean and tight fitted sheet with no other pillows or blankets, odds are in your favor. I guess the original SIDS information came from a group of kids in New Zealand who slept on animals furs and would suffocate. Anyhow, you might have a tummy sleeper on your hands.
- You can give your son Mylanta (CVS generic, whatever) for additional guarding or flares. 1/4 tsp. up to 5x a day. Will make loose stools, but nothing you aren't dealing with already.
- This sounds awful, but sometimes those little ones have a hard time pooping. They don't have a lot of substance and their little bodies are just figuring it all out. We would give ours suppositories to help. Ours were on elemental formula, too, which had almost zero waste. They would struggle and get so frustrated they would stop eating. The suppository gives them something to bear down on. Use vaseline and only one at a time, but you can use up to 12 a day. We have had to use as many as 10 a day. One at each feed. They would eat better, and then poop and be happy. I know, you probably think I'm a freak. My GI specialist told me about this and he was right.


Newborn Advice (specifically colic and reflux) 1

A few months ago I received an email from a new mom who was having some challenges. She had seen a post of mine on the colic forum I follow. She was at her wits end. I sent her this email with all of the tricks and education I'd learned and earned in the last five years.

I know there are new moms out there right now who are grasping at straws and seeking help. Newborns are a challenge unlike any other you will encounter in your entire life. For the first six weeks, they wake up crying. It's just developmental. But who knows that unless you meet some awesome person who educates you? Compound ignorance and inexperience with fatigue and you're one hot mess.

So, I'm tagging this entry with every key word that may help some mama out there who needs just a little support: reflux, colic, sleep, cry, arch, scream, refuses feeds, allergy, spit up, desperate and HELP! May the search engines lead you to your own salvation.


So, I've packed 5 years of experience and method into this email. It is LONG. Get a snack and put yo' feet up.

Let me say that colic is a beast. I can so clearly remember how horrible those days were. My other two (4 and 16 months) tried so hard to be troopers, but it was difficult on the whole family. It will get better, but that mantra doesn't help when you're about to gouge out your eyes at 11 p.m.

Is this your first baby? If so, you'll spend the first year totally second guessing yourself. I kept a journal with my first (NICU, reflux, colic, dysphagia and feeding aversion) and looked back on it just a few weeks ago and couldn't believe how worried I was and how frantic I was for answers. I will say this: TIME fixes a lot with babies. If you do nothing to make this better, in 6 months time everything will be better just because your baby has grown up a bit.

These first few months are so trying. Your body is wrecked, your house is wrecked, your marriage is a blur and what seems like a distant memory, you never get to shower, and you feel like life will never get better. You waited for this little gift and now you're thinking "why did I do this?" Trust me on this one: you are at the apex of misery right now. It will get better. But, what you are going through is miserable. I know. It seems like you'll never have a life again. You will. Not the same life. No, it's really best to accept the new reality. It's a better reality. I can attest to that. I've got three girls now and I'm just now, finally, settling into mother hood and really embracing it.

I have PPD with every baby. I'm on meds and so grateful for it. I take them for a whole year after every baby. I love my kids. I love my family, but hormones are serious business. Brain chemicals are serious. For heaven's sake, those hormones, all on their own can grow a person. They don't mess around.

That being said, you obviously have some medical issues going on with your little one that need to be addressed and should be. I'm going to break down my experiences and what has worked for me by subject.


- It lasted from week 1 through 15. Every night for 3-4 hours. Screaming. Hysterics. Refused the feeds during this time. For almost 5 months. Yeah, we didn't get lucky with 12 weeks. I hope you have a different experience.
- We walked and bounced and did a yoga ball and swing and did a baby carrier and drove and chanted (no, we didn't really chant. but we did pray). She napped in the swing after the first 12 weeks. In fact, she's now 11 months old and STILL naps in the swing. I know. It's awful. But she wakes up at 45 minutes otherwise. Night time she goes down without a fuss and sleeps 12 hours in her bed. Not the naps. And I need the sleep. So, we nap in the swing. Whateve. It works.
- Swaddle. Almost non stop. If your little one is breaking out, go out and buy yourself some nice, light fabric in a huge amount and cut yourself a bigger blanket. Or get a swaddle me. Those work awesome.
- What sort of worked for us was swaddling her really tight and putting her in the bouncer. We would then use our foot or hand to bounce her. RAPIDLY. She took all of her naps in there (I had to keep it bouncing the entire time or she only slept for 20 minutes. Yeah, can you say awful.) And, she was in there from 8-10 or 11 every night. I would camp out by that thing and watch DVR or movies and bounce her like crazy. The key was getting a little head bob during the bounce. It looked rough, but there is science about that movement and it calming a baby. If that head was bobbin', she was quiet.
- White noise. When she was so upset she wouldn't eat, I would sit in a dark room, swaddle her and turn up the white noise as loud as it would go. It did help. (I learned to swaddle my kids when they eat so help them stay organized. Because my first two had feeding aversions from undiagnosed reflux, feeding was awful. Swaddling helped them focus on eating. I highly recommend it. I did it for feeds until 5 months. Yours may not need it that long, but for now, I would do it.)
-The book Happiest Baby on the Block has some great information for a colic baby. I would buy it asap.
- I did Babywise with all of my kids. I never let mine cry for more than 5-15 minutes without some soothing, but the principles behind the sleep training are invaluable. I love the whole series. Of course, you can apply the ideas as much or as little as you like, but I have great sleeping kids who are making good moral choices. They are loved and cuddled and rocked and snuggled with, too.
- For my colic case, I let go of the night time routine in some ways. I didn't do cry it out until she was almost 6 months old and totally over the colic. Even then, I took it night by night. But, consistency is so very important. If you're not ready to keep at something you start, don't start it. There's no shame is knowing that the time isn't right to tackle a new issue.
- I worked on keeping her feeds consistent (a must when you have to do meds, too) and trying to survive the nights.
- Some people say that it just stops. Mine didn't. It gradually tapered off and finally mostly ended near the end of the 5th month.
- I tried chiropractic and it did help.
- The homeopathic drops made her sleep. After her colic episode. So, if I were going to do it again, I would start giving it to her at like, 3 or 4 p.m. so that it worked by 7 or 8 and would help the baby to sleep through the night more soundly. Otherwise, it was impossible to get her to have any wake time at all in the morning.
- Probiotics are supposed to be awesome. http://www.colichelp.com/shop/biogaia-probiotic-drops.html. I didn't stumble upon this soon enough. The research is compelling.
- Make sure the wake time your son is having isn't too long. Ideal for that age is 40-70 minutes. Including feeding time. Most of us keep our babies up waaaaay too long. Seriously. Try cutting back wake time to these minutes by following your baby's clues and you'll see he's much happier when he's awake. Colic will continue, but the other times will be great.
- Visit this site: http://www.babywisemom.com/. Even if you hate the idea of babywise, she has some great overall advice about newborns and other people write in with their situations. I think you'll find you want to book mark it. She reads lots of books, has all sorts of great teaching concepts, and just really smart parenting solutions. She has an index on the right hand side. I would check wake time lengths and newborn first.
- And just a side note: a baby's sleep cycle is 45 minutes. So, when they come out of deep sleep at 45 minutes they sometimes wake up and have a hard time putting themselves back down. You'll totally go, "OH!" now that you know (in case you didn't).



Way back in May, the older girls, Allen and I packed up and went to the happiest place on Earth. We went with our great, great, great friends The Silcox's.

We started our first morning at the character breakfast with Mickey and Friends.

The must have picture in front of Cinderella's caste.
Getting ready for a little spin on the teacups.
Mickey's Toon Town
In the princess village (or whatever it's called - I vaguely remember some cute name), they do this really cool face painting. All of the girls wanted their faces painted. The artists were so talented.
Two of the princesses with their favorite treats.
Admiring the work.
I even got in on the action with my own set of Minnie Ears. Black sequins, of course.
Allen's favorite part of the entire trip.
While Allen built his, Lexi gathered her parts. As soon as he was done, she tugged his shirt and said, "I'm ready Dada!" I think she has a little engineer in her.
The jedi knight himself.
I'd say it was a success!

 Thanks to Jennie and Linda for letting me pilfer your pictures!

About Me

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What started as a way to communicate with far away friends and family has become a place for this horse trainer/HR manager turned stay at home mom of 3 girls to hold on to a bit of her own identity. It's my take on the ins and outs, the ups and downs, the thoughts and feelings, the mistakes and triumphs of this family as we bumble our way to eternity.