LuAnn and Dallas. Both are the ultimate thrill seekers. |
Gavin waiting for mom and sissy to go on the ride. |
The eager audience. |
Told you they are crazy. |
Waiting for the Orca show. |
The small fry area had this water feature. Emmy loved it! |
Totally drenched. Thank goodness LuAnn brought an extra shirt. Emmy wore a diaper and Gavin's t-shirt the rest of the day. |
All that swimming tuckered her out! |
Here's Dallas and Lexi. Dallas is clearly looking for some excitement. Not sure the hopping frogs did it for her. |
This was priceless. Grandpa Bob stuffed in a frog that jolted it's riders up and down. Addie thought it was great. We got some good belly laughs out of the deal too. |
Such a fun, fun day! I love Emily in the water! Lots to do there!