
How Do You Eat an Elephant?

One bite at a time!

And that is how we keep working on our yard. One small project at a time. Just after I posted the pics of our yard, we added some tan bark to the swing set area. What a much needed improvement!

And that's with half of the stack already in the yard.



  1. Wow it looks so pretty! A whole new place since I was there over a year and a half ago!

  2. Great pictures! Looks great (having seen it first-and!); you guys work hard!

  3. We need to come visit again. The backyard looks nothing like it did when we were there. I can't believe how much you guys have done. It looks great!

  4. I have severe yard envy! I cannot wait until I am not preggo anymore, so I can get out and actually take care of my yard again. :-) Seriously, you guys have done a great job!
