
Civil Disobedience

Lexi {stomping down the hallway after time out}: Mom.

Me: Yes, Lexi.

Lexi {defiantly}: Mom. I drew you a picture. See, Mom.

Me: You did?

Lexi {holding up picture}: Yeah. See what is says, Mom? It says "BAD MOM".


  1. I don't even know what to say. What did you say to her after that? What a great story! I'm glad you blogged about it and that it will go in the Riddle book of remembrance forever!

  2. Stopping in from MMB...

    I still have one my now 17 year old wrote when he was about seven, full of miss spellings after had been grounded from the computer. It read " I know you hate me. I want to play Pokemon but you are too mean."
    Someday I'll show it to his wife and children. :)

  3. Hope you save that to give her someday. I would get the pictures of me looking like a monster. I wished I would have saved them, rather than take them too personally.

  4. Oh no! Now what'd mom do? :) (So funny!)

  5. What a lovely word combination sweetheart.
