
A Sunbeam! A Sunbeam!

Lexi has reached a major milestone in her churchy life. She has officially graduated from Nursery and will be moving into Primary (with all of the big kids!!!). Her nursery leaders had a cute graduation ceremony, complete with a graduation cap shaped cake, for the three kids who will be the next Sunbeams class.

  At home, we talked about her new class. She has been very excited to finally be with her friends (some of her preschool friends are already in Primary since their birthdays fall before January).

   Doesn't she look so excited!?!

 Full cooperation, as always.

There we go. By the end of things, she was happy again. She's looking forward to her first Sunday as a Sunbeam this week. We hope she loves her class and her new teacher.

Yay Lexi!


  1. Cutest little graduate ever! Love the hat. She'll love primary!

  2. well, doesn't she look a like a pocket full of sunshine! she got to eat free cake and was crabby. that just doesn't make sense. at least she perked up a bit by the end. good job, lex! aunti mart-i is very proud of you, silly goose. (you tell her that for me). <3

  3. Lexi!!! you go girly girl we love you and we all love you from Hawaii
    love to all and HAppy New Year
    Queen B, Al, Travis, Aubree, Connor, Makinsee and Nana too

  4. hey heads up!! I changed my blog name to
    queen of my kingdom.blogspot.com
    drop by and visit
    love ya

  5. She is so cute! I hope she had a great day today!

  6. You are way too on top of things! I am pretty sure I won't remember the camera on the day that Nolan becomes a sunbeam! Your kids will love all that you have documented for them through photos!
