
Let's Get This Party Started!

Today was the first day of our Halloween celebrations. We kicked it off at Lexi's preschool party.

She's been very excited to wear her Snow White costume to school.

Musical pumpkins

Count the clothespin game

Here's the fishing for candy game. You might be able to tell from the mommy helper's expression that Lexi was a little over zealous here. She would give the "fish" about 2 seconds to give her some candy and jerk that pole back so hard that candy would go flying and hit another kid in the head.

Of course, it was her favorite game.

Listening to the Halloween story.

The party was lots of fun for everyone. It was the perfect way to start our Halloween weekend.


  1. Snow White is gorgeous! Looks like she was definitely enjoying herself!

  2. I love Lexi's costume! She looks adorable. I can't wait to see what Addie is going to be!
