
Gone Fishin'

While we were visiting Nanna's, Grandpa Geoff took Lexi fishing. This was her first time and she loved every part of it. The pond had been built for a friend's grand kids so it was small, shallow and perfect for Lexi. She could even see the fish swimming.

Lexi reeled in her first Blue Gill all by herself.

We kept telling Lexi to be very careful because of the sharp hook at the end of the line. Of course, she kept flinging it around and just like we all knew it would happen, it got in her hair. She wasn't actually hooked, but I think the worm freaked her out.

Going in for the big one. Grandpa Geoff is the fish whisperer. He would bait the hook, drop the line sort of close to the fish and within seconds, GULP!, a fish was on the end.

Good job, Lexi!!

The Big Whopper!

Lexi even felt brave enough to poke her fish.

At home with her haul. Not bad for a first timer.


  1. We had "Big Whopper" for dinner last night...fish burgers! Delicious - Thanks Lexi!

  2. Hannah says, "Yay Lexi! You are so cute! Good job. You actually caught a fish!" We are all impressed and happy for you!

  3. Wow, Lexi! Good job! How fun! Loved the video/pictures!
