Right now, I'm sitting on a sidewalk in small town USA. The veterans are marching by with the stars and stripes proudly waving. The firefighters are lumbering toward us, sirens blaring. They throw candy to the kids who wave and cheer. And, every year, I have to bite my cheek to stop the tears. The gratitude I feel toward the people who have prepared the way for me and mine is overwhelming.
I see wrinkles of wisdom on the faces of the men who limp down the paved streets. These were once the young men who donned their uniforms and guns and sought freedom. Our luxuries were earned on the backs, and lives, of these youth. I see the courage in the eyes of the police officers and other officials who keep us safe. I see girls in cheerleader uniform proud to be on display. Proud to celebrate this nation.
In my mind's eye, I see my own girls growing up proud to be women. They will never be murdered just because of their gender. I see them able to achieve anything they set out to. I see them practicing their religion of choice without persecution.
I love this country. My allegiance to what is great about this union has been a gradual process. As I've come to own my values and know what I find important, I know the United States embodies those things. I am proud of the courage of our founding fathers. Their sacrifice is an incredible example to me of what can be achieved by a few strong people. The principles that this country were originally founded upon were revolutionary. All these years later, they support the greatest nation on Earth.
There are many reasons that others flock here in droves. People are willing to risk their lives - their children's lives - for a chance at what we have been given. Think, for example, about genealogy. Here, in the US, we can get online and in minutes know the dates and places of our ancestors' births, marriages and deaths. Do you think those in Africa can go back even a generation? What about record keeping? Do you think there are written records in some of the 3rd world countries around the world like those in the US? Say what you want about the medical system here. But, I'll tell ya what: I would never, ever trust another nation to provide the doctors and medical care that we have available here. We have the best on Earth at our fingertips. The best of a lot of things. Those are just a couple of the sublime benefits of our great nation.
There are many obvious reasons to love this place. I'm safe. My kids are safe. I don't hear the sirens of death and run to shelter on a daily basis. I can choose, for myself, where to send my kids to school, what they can watch on TV. I have access to food for my kids. I don't fear the local law enforcement agencies. I know my children will be able to gain an education.
Allen and I can own a home. We can do what we want with it. I never worry that Allen will be falsely accused or imprisoned. I know we can work hard and earn our reward. These are just a few of the reasons I appreciate my country.
I am not ashamed to be an American. I am not ashamed of the millions of young men and women who have sacrificed their lives for something they believe in. I am proud to count myself as one who would do the same if I had to. I do not despise the youth who bravely went to war to protect those who lived across the sea and were dying at the hand of their own corrupt leaders. I am not afraid to what is right even if it isn't popular. And I am proud the the United States is willing to do the same. We will give of ourselves to help others lead a better life.
For every one thing wrong with this place, there are countless good things to remember. We hear far too much criticism about this land of freedom and opportunity that we take for granted. While we should work to improve what we have, we should also spend more time in reflective gratitude. Today, on the day we celebrate the grand history we have, let's hold our heads up high. Let's teach our youth to love this country. We have inherited something wonderful and should protect it.
And so, without hesitation, I echo:
God bless America, land that I love
Stand beside her and guide her
Through the night with the light from above
From the mountains To the prairies,
To the ocean white with foam
God bless America, My home sweet home!
Stand beside her and guide her
Through the night with the light from above
From the mountains To the prairies,
To the ocean white with foam
God bless America, My home sweet home!
I do not think that I could have written it better! I cried like a baby for the first 15 minutes of the parade this morning. It was then that I was realizing that I will not be celebrating the 4th of July the same way again for a long time.