
Knowledge #1

Learn about the importance of gaining knowledge by reading Proverbs 1:5; 4:7; 2 Nephi 28:30; and Doctrine and Covenants 88:78-80; 118; 90:15, 130: 18-19; 131:6. Think about why you need to gain knowledge and understanding about how gospel principles may be applied to our present and future home and family life. Write in your journal what you have learned about knowledge and discuss with with a family member or YW leader.

We are encouraged to see out and learn any and all things possible. We are to be diligent in our efforts to increase our knowledge. When we die, if we are worthy, the mysteries of the world will be shown to us. How much easier will it be to understand those teachings if we already have a foundation of knowledge? Will we be able to understand the more complex ideas of the hereafter and universe if we cannot understand the mechanics of how the Earth operates, mathematics (the laws of the starts in higher applications), history, the principles of the gospel, etc? That is just one reason to seek to learn as much as we can.

If we are living righteously, we will be brought to the situations we each need to learn what we need to know to reach our potential in this life. Each of us will need different experiences to achieve that goal. While there are many principles that we all need to know, each of us has a different potential/goal in this lifetime that can only be attained if we do certain things in this life.

For example, if we are reading our scriptures, we will have access to revelation we would have never had otherwise. That revelation may be a springboard to other opportunities. If we associate with the people we should be, we will have opportunities we wouldn't have otherwise. If we associate with people who put us in dangerous situations, we may be limited in our future opportunities due to consequences of our actions while with those people (if you get arrested and go to jail, you're going to miss out on some stuff). This principle can be applied to all of our choices. The most righteous choice will help us to have the experiences we need to gain eternal life. There may be a good choice, better choice and then there is the best choice. Only the best choice will provide the ultimate experiences we need to become who we can be.

The application of knowledge is sometimes a tricky thing to do. Often we know what should be done, but it takes will power or sacrifice. Sometimes we may be able to apply the things we learn easily. Other times, it will be hard. When we are teaching what we know to others, it may be well received or rejected. Of course, the most important education we can receive is one of the gospel and its principles. Living the gospel is a big job. When we are young, we are in charge of ourselves and can practice living the gospel by controlling ourselves. Once you have a family, you must not only control yourself, but teach your children how to apply the gospel to their own lives. You must teach them to pray when they need answers, to follow the promptings they receive, to willingly serve others, love others, practice forgiveness and to be stay true to their values in the world we live in. Of course, your kids may not want to hear what you have to say, but you still want to teach them. That method will vary among families and children as we are each individual and do not all learn the same way.

HF expects us to use our knowledge wisely and with humility. We are not to be boastful or prideful in our wisdom. We should never make another feel badly about their level of understanding or experience or because they don't know what we might know. We might have the charge of teaching that person in this life and should approach that privilege with a humble heart.

HF also asks us to apply faith and a spiritual mind and heart to our learning. I think this will help us to choose the things that we should spend our time learning about. This will also help us to discern the philosophies of men from truth and apply that knowledge in way that will be helpful to ourselves and others. We should be teachable and eager to learn from others.

We can receive knowledge many ways. We must be determined and make a life long effort to add unto our current "data base". We must also be mindful of the things that are truly worth learning and seek out those things.

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