
Individual Worth #1

Read Psalm 8:4-6, Jeremiah 1:5, John 13:34, Doctrine and Covenants 18:10 and Abraham 3:22-23. In your journal, write how these scriptures teach you that Heavenly Father loves you and is mindful of you.

Heavenly Father repeatedly states that he has knows us as spirits - long before our mortal journey ever began. He also trusts us enough to give us stewardship over many of his sacred creations. he trusts us to care for his other spirit children as we raise our own families during our time here on Earth.

Generally, if you do not know the true nature of a person, you do not entrust them with the things you hold dearest to your heart. It takes a long time to get to know some one's true nature and to learn the little details that make them who they are. Heavenly Father has known us for a long time - since before the world was even created. He knows the true nature of our spirits. He has seen us without the distractions and temptations of this life. He knows us as we know our own children. Each idiosyncrasy, each fear, desire, hope and dream. He knows our small weaknesses, pet peeves, and where we are the most tender. Just as we know that one child likes certain music at bedtime and the other must have her blanket to go to bed, Heavenly Father knows what each of us needs to feel comforted and cared for during this lifetime.

1 comment:

  1. I loved working toward the young women's medal. It gave me so much direction for reading my scriptures and on focusing on improving myself. I never finished it completely, but I will one day!
