
One By One

Lexi came in at 2:30 yesterday morning crying. She laid on Allen for about 30 minutes. She was burning up so I got up to get her some Tylenol. When I got back, Allen goes, "Is she going to throw up?" and at the same time throws Lexi over the side of the bed as she gets sick. I think that was a yes.

Unfortunately, it got on our bed so we had to wash everything. She then got sick in the toilet and was so upset. This is the first time she really knew what was happening and could tell when she was about to get sick. She kept saying, "I spit up? I got sick?" She laid on the bathroom floor for a while and then laid on our carpet and watched some TV. About 5 a.m., she asked to go back to her room. Since she hadn't been sick again, we put her back.

So, now we wait. It's like waiting for the guillotine to fall. We're all going to get it. Our family is here visiting from CA and they will all get it.


1 comment:

  1. it's Dinky Creek all over again! NOOOOOOO! I'm bringing a huge can of lysol and bleach when we come to visit. I hope everyone feels better soon.
