For 6 weeks, I've been talking all the feeds. Allen tries to do the late night when it works out, but sometimes it just doesn't all come together. So, that's 8 feeds a day, 7 days a week (56 feeds) for 6 weeks? Can you do the math? In weeks alone, that works out to be around 56 hours spent just feeding the kid as each session usually takes about an hour. That is already 16 hours over a full time job. But, on top of that, there is Lexi, laundry, cleaning, dinners, diapers, showers, potty breaks ('cause you know you're scheduling them at this point) and the all important blogging (church, too.) And I'll tell you, getting paid in dirty diapers ain't cuttin it.
So, Allen is giving me one night. Cue Dreamgirls "One night only, one night only...." to get a good night's rest while he takes the feeds. He'll be off tomorrow so he can handle one day of being overly tired (plus his mom and dad will be here so I'm sure they will gladly hold the baby while he takes a few hours to sleep).
Signing off from Ambien dream land...zzzzzzzzzzzz
Hahaha! I hear you! I am glad and sad at the same time that we are out of that stage! They grow up SO fast!
ReplyDeleteYea for you!! You definitely deserve it, let me know if you can actually sleep (lol). Tell Alan good job!
ReplyDeleteAny luck?