
Cross Your Fingers

We went back in to the doctor's today. Turns out, Addie weighs the same as she did at 2 weeks old. That's not good news. Because of that, we qualified to see the GI doctor immediately.

Addie, finally getting some sleep while we waited to go to the hospital.

We met with the specialist at the University of New Mexico. He fit us in right away and was prepared to admit Addie to the hospital. He agreed that she has severe reflux and a very severe milk allergy. He tested her poop and it had blood in it - even though we couldn't see it. He felt that she was probably put together correctly on the inside and didn't have any bowel obstruction or anything, but was very willing to get her in if we wanted the pics. He noted that with it being the weekend, he was nervous about sending her home in her current condition. However, there were no beds available and he really wanted to avoid poking and prodding her if we could.

We came up with a plan: the max dose of Prevacid, a change to elemental formula (yes, it's the $50 for a small can stuff, and she'll be on it for at least a year), and an appointment first thing Monday morning to see if she's gaining any weight (babies should gain a minimum of 1 oz. a day). He told us to be prepared for a tough weekend while the medication takes maximum effect and the formula finally helps her tummy. He gave us his cell phone number, too, since he's not on call but wanted to be the one to take our call if something goes bad. He also recommended we put Addie to sleep on her tummy (she screams if she's put on her back because that is the position that allows for the most fluid to go back up her esophagus). On the tummy is the best position for kids with tummy problems. He explained that the whole "back to sleep" campaign started because of a few kids in New Zealand who had problems. They put their kids to sleep on thick fleece blankets there which basically suffocated some of the babies. He said on a regular mattress or in a bassinet, we would be totally fine. So, we're going to make those changes and hope for the best.

Allen happened to ask him if this was a genetic thing because both of our kids have had problems. He said absolutely. If we have kids, they have a 50% chance of having the same problem. He said if we ever have another, we'll know at 2 weeks if we have issues and should go immediately to the serious stuff.

One thing we both realized while at this appointment was how lucky we are to only be dealing with reflux. There were kids there that had problems that will effect their ability to function in society. Their stomach issues were obviously a side effect of their major conditions. There were kids there who were half the size they should be with serious mental delays. We are so blessed to have a girl who is mostly healthy and will grow out of this.

We also feel so grateful that we have the best doctors in the state at our fingertips and only 20 minutes away. We have so many great resources available to us here and they are all convenient. We are grateful we can pay all of the fees we've amassed in the last weeks. It's easily been hundreds of dollars in co-pays, hospital admission fees, ER fees and prescription costs. I never fear that we won't be able to cover those costs. There are many people with sick babies who can't even get the care they need. We have been challenged by Addie's health, but are so lucky to have every available resource to help her.


  1. Well it seems like there may be a light at the end of a very long tunnel; or maybe it's that you're finally in the tunnel not the black hole!

    Dallin was a tummy sleeper and on soy formula (obviously not the $50-major bummer), but he survived and it was much better for him. He also outgrew the milk issue, although again, not nearly as severe as Addie. He was on lactaid milk until he was 2 though.

    Hang in there this weekend! At least you know that you are good hands with answers and hopefully relief on the way.

    We love you!

  2. I've been out of the blogging world for a month so I am just now catching up on all the events that have been going on at your house. Last I read Addie came home from NICU - yeah. Little did I know the stress that has followed. I really hope you can find a doctor who can give you real solutions. It breaks my heart to hear of Addie screaming in pain and cannot imagine the stress that puts on the rest of the family! What I really cannot believe is through all of this Allen has found the time to build a beautiful tv stand! Even if Craig took a year off from work he couldn't figure that out!

    Our thoughts and prayers are with your family. We really hope you can find some relief soon.


  3. My thoughts are with you! I had a reflux baby... it was hellacious! I hope that all this stuff works for you!

    My sisters baby was like this for the first year of his life-- and they discovered that he was basically allergic to EVERYTHING... he had to have special drinks that cost $2,500 dollars a month.

    No. That was not a mistype.

    Thankfully, we are in a day and age when we can supplement these little babies so that they CAN eventually thrive!
