

This morning when I woke up, I hadn't felt the baby move in about 4 hours. Now, I had been asleep for 3 of those 4, so I didn't make much of it. I ate breakfast, moved around, did some chores, sat down, etc. About an hour later, I still hadn't had any movement. I've had those moments "um, hmmm, haven't felt the baby, better pay attention" before and within 5 minutes time, I get something. This girl is always on the move. An hour was a really long time for her to be so quiet. Plus, my guts felt like they were just hanging off of me. Usually, it feels stretched, tight and really uncomfortable. So, we gave the hospital a call.

They told me to drink juice and come on in. Of course, we had to find someone to come and watch Lexi. We also grabbed our bags (we did learn something from last time when I just showed up with my purse). We ended up taking about an hour to get everything settled, just in case.

They put me on the monitor and gave me lots of water and juice. I drank and drank and they watched and watched. About 1/2 an hour later, they came back and said everything looked great. I'd been having contractions every 8-10 minutes, but they told me to wait until they are 2-3 minutes apart for an hour before I come in for the real deal. I hadn't felt any of the contractions and if they are still happening, I'm still not feeling them.

I felt really dumb and told Allen I wasn't going back in until the baby was on it's way out to save any further embarrassment. Of course, everyone says, "better safe than sorry", but when you're the safe one, it can make you feel kind of silly. We were glad the baby was ok. The juice did make her move a little more, but she has definitely changed her ways in the last day. I'm not seeking any signs so I have no idea why it's happened other than the logical: she's just running out of room. (I will say, though, the change in her movement was overnight and not gradual, but whatever.)

I did get to keep a really nice water bottle and we had breakfast so I guess it wasn't all for not!


  1. Hey, there are very few people who don't go in and get sent home at some point. We did with Dallin and Giulacci did with her 5th! I know what you mean though- you feel a little silly, but I blamed it on them since I called first and they told me to come in. Less movement is good, she is really out of room and maybe your water will break-maybe not, just a thought and thank goodness you're prepared. But seriously keep towels near by and don't wait for it to stop before you go in because it won't!
    You're doing great; before you know it it will be summer and you'll wonder where the last 6 months have gone!

  2. That is pretty scary when you don't feel as much movement, I remember when mine slowed down and I freaked out but then remembered they had no space to move! I hope for your sake it comes soon, I'm sure you're more than ready.
