Lexi wanted to take a try with Davis. He did really well and enjoyed running.
There was a lot of stopping along the way, though.
The half way point. This is the beginning of a mini-meltdown. Lexi no longer wanted to walk, alone or with the dogs. She didn't want to run. She didn't want to hold my hand. She just wanted to sulk. So, I started home with the dogs.
I zoomed in with the camera since were about a football field's length away. The leaving method has never phased Lexi. Up until this point, she had turned her back to me. After counting to 2, she said, "ok" in her whiniest voice possible and drug her feet the whole way to me. I whipped her with the leash and her attitude improved significantly. Just kidding! Although I kind of felt like it; we sang some songs, counted our foot steps and ran a little to change the mood.
All better!
Too cute! Lexi acts so grown up! Until the meltdown... But Mommy was wise!