Give me an E! Give me a N! Give me a T-H-U! Give me a S! Give me an I! Give me an A-S-M! What's that spell? ENTHUSIASM! What's the spell? ENTHUSIASM! I can't hear you!! What's the spell? ENTHUSIASM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That is why I am exhausted as a parent. I was pondering why it is that being with a 2 year old person is so tiring. It's not really the chores, or dragging along an extra person everywhere you go. No, for me it's the ongoing effort to be excited about doing the most mundane things.
For example: it's not "Hey, Lexi, go put your toys away" and I can leave it at that. It's "Why don't we pick up our toys so we can go outside and swing? Clean up, clean up, everybody clean up (in sing songy voice). Great job! Ok! Let's go swing!" Times 100 all day long.
Since I'm not an overly enthusiastic person, pulling that to the surface all day, everyday takes a little bit of work on my part. Lexi responds well and we avoid lots of frustration when I respond that way rather than just yelling at her all of the time (shocking, I'm sure), but by the end of the day I'm pretty ready to be my old cynical self.
It's a "parent thing" that seems unnatural at first but eventually you get used to it and do it because it gets better results. Eventually (what, 12 years or so), you'll get to be your "adult" self again!! :)